Saturday, August 16, 2008

A few new things blooming

The sunflowers in the back have started blooming, I can't tell you how much I love this one. The photo doesn't do the color justice, it's called Lemon something, and it is a very accurate name for it! The bumblebees also love it!

Aug15 003

Aug15 004

The hollyhock Lisa brought me on Memorial Day weeknd is blooming, but it is short! The ones Mom brought us have not really grown either. I'm hoping they'll all flourish next year.

Aug15 002

Sunday, August 10, 2008


The canna out front have started blooming. This morning there was this neat looking creature on one. I think I'll do more canna out front next year, I really like the way they look.

Aug10 002

Aug10 001

Aug10 003

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Remember this?

Do you remember this from waaaaaaay back earlier in the Spring? (Is anyone really reading this, or am I talking to myself?) From April 12th, to be exact:

april8th 021

I promised you it wasn't daffodils, and it's not. It's a Resurrection Lily, and here it is today!

Aug3 022

Neat, huh? :-)

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

It's August, where is the summer going?

Time is flying by... things in the garden are good, things are flowering, we are picking green beans, cukes, cherry tomatoes, zucchini and onions from the veggie garden. Here's a shot of Steve with the other winners of the Beacon Garden Contest. I'm so proud of him. He works so hard on our vegetables, he started 99% of them from seed, and has devoted a lot of love and attention to them, and they are delicious!

Aug3 020

I love this! The Green Teens had these signs in front of their salsa booth this past weekend (follow the link to Flickr to see the full size photo if you can't read these):

Aug3 016

Aug3 017

These two Rose of Sharon planted themselves here a couple of years ago, but I'm going to need to take them out, because they are shading the hydrangea which is not doing so well this year.

Aug3 014

Aug3 015

Our mums are blooming, oops, a little early!

Aug3 011

The white phlox is hidden behind the pink! Maybe I'll have to thin out the pink and move some of it this fall. I like the white.

Aug3 009

One of the voodoo bulbs has sent up a second shoot!

Aug3 008

We had a full rainbow the other day!

Aug3 005

Aug3 006

Aug3 007