Sunday, November 23, 2008

Pumpkin pie and apple butter

We still have plenty of apples in the downstairs fridge, even after making this, apple butter:


After - apple butter

And my first pumpkin pie, from roasted local pumpkin! It was delish, and I hope will be just as good when I make one for Thanksgiving on Wednesday.

Before - hot, steaming pumpkin out of the oven

After - pie!

Sunday, November 9, 2008


Today I made my first apple pie completely from scratch. It's not too pretty to look at, but it certainly smelled good while it was baking. We haven't eaten any yet, but I will be eating a slice later tonight!

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Heart shaped produce is fun!

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I picked red cabbage, lettuce, brussel sprouts and some more carrots from the vegetable garden today. I'm not sure Steve will blog these or not, so I'll put them here, just in case!

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Tuesday, November 4, 2008

It's election day!

I'm putting up two posts today, so there is one new one below this one in case you didn't catch that. :-)

We've had frost, but I don't think we've had a hard freeze yet. This past weekend I finally did some work in the gardens. I cleaned things up, cut things back, and planted mums, asters and bulbs. Hopefully the mums and asters will make it through the winter to next year.

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I added bulbs on the west, front side of the house to try and balance things out. Hopefully next Spring I'll have a shot of tulips, grape hyacinths and daffodils here!

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Some things on the patio have not been hit by frost - one impatiens, a firecracker fuscia, and the eucalyptus.

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The Japanese maple out back looks nice!

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And this is that bush that has great little white flowers in the spring.

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And the miscanthus looks pretty good, too! I should move these out from behind the Rose of Sharon.

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The herbs are still doing okay, and it's going to be in the 60's the next few days, so I haven't done anything with them yet.

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The Tabasco peppers were just ripening when it got cold, but we still got a few red ones! When Caleb and Ethan were here, Caleb ate one! He suffered for it, and ate another one two days later, the crazy kid.

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October Update

Apples and carrots were in full force in October. Steve peeled, sliced, blanched and froze a few bags of carrots so we'll have them for soups and stews and side dishes this winter.


And I made applesauce. We have 20 more lbs of apples in the fridge downstairs, I'm going to make pie and hopefully apple butter next weekend.

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