Monday, November 16, 2009


Today I dug up the voodoo bulbs - some of them are HUGE! And there are lots of babies, so our voodoo bulb stink fest next spring should be fantastic. :-)

Voodoo bulbs

Monster voodoo bulb!

I also pulled the canna from the big pots so they could come inside for the winter. They didn't bloom this year. I need to figure out why so I can try to avoid whatever it was that I did wrong for next year.


Things are looking very fall-like in our yard. Miscanthus:



Asparagus in autumn


Oma's hydrangea. Still hasn't bloomed. This year we'll try NOT cutting it back in fall.

Last rose bloom:

Probably the last rose bloom of the year

Rudbeckia, still plugging along:

Still blooming

Still trying to bloom!

Monday, September 28, 2009

Don't hate me!

Okay, here's what September that it's almost October.

The woodchuck got the zucchini:


The sunflowers were falling over (still are):



Really BIG potatoes!



Corn, peppers, and wax beans into the freezer:


And sauce:


Thursday, August 27, 2009

Steve isn't blogging...

So I will post some veggie photos!

Tomatoes, 8/23/09

Tomatoes, 8/23/09

The paprika peppers are delicious!

Paprika Peppers

Our green beans have anthracnose:

Green beans have a fungus

The delicata squash vine looks like it has wilt, but we're not 100% sure. Just in case it's a borer, we have harvested the squash, hopefully not too early!

Delicata squash, unhappy vine

Apparently this cucumber was hidden...1 lb. 7.5 oz

Large cucumber!

And here's what I picked tonight: eggplant, zucchini, peppers and a variety of tomatoes:

Harvest, 8/27/09

Friday, August 14, 2009

Mmmm...zucchini bread

Okay, so it's not pretty, but it tastes good:

Ugly Zucchini Bread

Here's the recipe:

Out in the gardens, the phlox is still going strong. And the white is hiding behind the purple again this year:


Here's a Coral Bell, and a lot of weeds, in front of the phlox:

Coral Bells

The Rudbeckia planted themselves a little more in front of the pear tree this year:


The Resurrection Lily has two stalks this year!

Resurrection Lily

This week we picked quite a few tomatoes (and zucchini). I froze all these tomatoes today, then went outside and picked more:

Tomatoes (and zucchini)

Sunday, August 2, 2009

A rainy morning outside = a busy morning inside

So it was raining today. Again. So I spent the morning in the kitchen!

Sungolds ready to slow roast:

August 004

If you've never had a slow roasted cherry or grape tomato, you really must try them. They are like candy, I swear! These probably could have stayed in the oven a little longer, but I was ready to get out of the kitchen. Spray your roasting pan with olive oil, slice your tomatoes, put them in the pan skin side down, add fresh ground pepper and some kosher salt, spray with more olive oil and give them a couple of hours in the oven at 300 degrees. Watch them, you don't want them to burn!

August 011

While the tomatoes roasted, I steamed and blanched some green beans to go in the freezer.

August 005

When the beans were done, I steamed the little tiny beets we got in our farm share. Even though they're small, it's still a bit of work, but so worth it!

August 010

August 012

And I made German Coleslaw with cabbage and kohlrabi from the farm share.

August 006

And when the tomatoes were done, I chopped and roasted patty pan squash, zucchini, eggplant, cauliflower and white peppers.

August 009

August 013

All that made me hungry, so for lunch we had Fried Green Tomatoes.

August 014

And, this cracked me up. We have something like 14 windows in our house, and Wally and Finn have to sit in the window together!

August 008

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Sad news from the vegetable garden...

We had to pull out, cut down and bag two of the tomato plants showing signs of late blight. :-( This is scary stuff. If you have tomatoes and/or potatoes in your garden, beware.

So, on to other things. The zucchini are still coming in strong. (The yellow squash is from our CSA, Common Ground Farm)

July 001

July 011

I don't know why I didn't take an after photo!

Silver Dollar Plant, aka money plant, is drying okay. Some other ones are moldy. Too much rain!

July 002

I told you the sunflowers were bigger now! These are ALL volunteers, planted themselves from seeds that fell from last year's sunflowers.

July 003

This one planted itself right next to the front steps. And amazingly, I was able to overwinter the canna!

July 004

These pretty "red" ones are on the west side of the front beds.

July 005

Voodoo bulbs, still going strong!

July 007

Lots of phlox. I really don't want this much phlox here. It's crowding out the echinacea.

July 008

Rose of sharon:

July 009

Russian sage, yeah, I need more of this, too:

July 010

Normal size cucumber and crazy big cucumber we obviously didn't see and pick till it was HUGE! And some zucchini and eggplant in there, too.

July 006

Just for fun, because I love them so. Finn:

July 012

Wally. Naughtiest cat in the whole world. I would prefer he *not* hang out right there on the counter!

July 014