Thursday, July 30, 2009

Sad news from the vegetable garden...

We had to pull out, cut down and bag two of the tomato plants showing signs of late blight. :-( This is scary stuff. If you have tomatoes and/or potatoes in your garden, beware.

So, on to other things. The zucchini are still coming in strong. (The yellow squash is from our CSA, Common Ground Farm)

July 001

July 011

I don't know why I didn't take an after photo!

Silver Dollar Plant, aka money plant, is drying okay. Some other ones are moldy. Too much rain!

July 002

I told you the sunflowers were bigger now! These are ALL volunteers, planted themselves from seeds that fell from last year's sunflowers.

July 003

This one planted itself right next to the front steps. And amazingly, I was able to overwinter the canna!

July 004

These pretty "red" ones are on the west side of the front beds.

July 005

Voodoo bulbs, still going strong!

July 007

Lots of phlox. I really don't want this much phlox here. It's crowding out the echinacea.

July 008

Rose of sharon:

July 009

Russian sage, yeah, I need more of this, too:

July 010

Normal size cucumber and crazy big cucumber we obviously didn't see and pick till it was HUGE! And some zucchini and eggplant in there, too.

July 006

Just for fun, because I love them so. Finn:

July 012

Wally. Naughtiest cat in the whole world. I would prefer he *not* hang out right there on the counter!

July 014

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Wow, I am a seriously bad blogger!

It's been like 2 months since I last posted. Oops. Here are some shots of what's been going on in the gardens, and in the kitchen.

First strawberries:

Quad 001

Peonies, Sweet Willieam and Geum:

Quad 006

New Nicotiana under the pear tree, with aster on the right:

Quad 009

Silver Dollar Plant (aka Money Plant), post bloom:

Quad 010

Sunflowers, but I need to post a newer one, they are big and blooming now:

Quad 011

Steve Irises, and sunflowers that planted themselves:

Quad 012

More berries...after the darn skunk dug up the strawberry bed we didn't get too many more:

Various 011

Lamb's Ear and Astilbe:

Various 014

Smoke bush made it through the winter:

Various 015

Silky Dogwood came back, and bloomed! after being accidentally cut down by the "tree guys" last year:

Various 017

Voodoo Bulbs!

Various 025

Miniature rose that was dead when we got back from Italy, a little rain (more like a LOT of rain) during June, and it bounced right back:

Various 026

New perennial daisies and daylilies:

Various 027

Monster lilies, taller than me:

Various 028


Various 029

Hydrangea and daylilies:

Various 032

Stuff from Mom on the left, and Snow on the Mountain on the right. Steve has been mowing this for the past few years, I finally weeded this area and the Snow on the Mountain bounced right back:

Various 035

First attempt at Dilly Beans refrigerator pickles, yum!

Various 040

Zucchini pickles and dilly beans:

Various 043