Thursday, April 24, 2008

It's April, and dry

I had to water the beds earlier this week, we have had 12 straight days now with no rain. Steve surprised me, so I have a funny look on my face, but here I am! It is way to early in the season to be watering...and of course it's supposed to rain this weekend when our book group is coming to hike Dennings Point...grumble, grumble.

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Finally - the grape hyacinths out front are catching up with the daffodils. :-) I am an impatient gardener, I tell ya.

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I love the front beds right about now. So colorful! I need to add more tulips to fill in where we took out the holly bushes (trees!) last year, and to fill in on the west front corner, it doesn't look nearly as good as the eastern front corner:

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This is one of my favorite spots in the backyard right now. I planted the one batch of red tulips two years ago, then added the daffodils and grape hyacinths last fall. That is our second "little white flower" shrub that is just starting to bloom there, too.

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And....the azaleas are starting! Yippee!

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Anonymous said...

Very pretty post. Oh, and flowers too. ;)

Connie said...

Wow! Our tulips have just started to open. Your garden looks great.

Sarah said...

Thanks, Connie! :-)

And more thanks to Christa for helping me figure out the picture alignment/blogging frustration I was experiencing last week. :-)