Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Memorial Day Weekend

We spent a LOT of time gardening this past weekend. We ended up getting more New Guinea Impatiens for out front. We were debating whether or not to get them, and decided we probably wouldn't like it if we just left it plain. So we picked up a bunch of different ones and put them out there between the tulips like we usually do. They usually do well out there, so we hope they'll be big and healthy soon!

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The "Steve" iris has started blooming! Thanks, Mom!

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Bachelor button is blooming, too.

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And even the new bleeding heart is getting in on the action! Lisa told me this weekend that she planted three bleeding hearts in a small space, and that they pushed everything out. Hmmm, I may need to move one of these to a different spot.

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We decided to go with red dahlias and blue angelonia on either side of the fireplace again this year.

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And who says money doesn't grow on trees? (Well, plants anyway.)

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