Sunday, June 8, 2008

Roses, heirloom roses

The iris and roses were looking nice towards the end of this past week:

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This is a rose called Peppermint, or something like that.

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I love a rosebud about to open.

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And this weekend the roses really opened up. I think the sun and HEAT are loved by the gardens, not so much by the people.

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This one below is so special to me. This rose my Mom brought to us from her house, and it's from a rosebush that she brought from my grandparents' farm to her house. The original rosebush - still on the farm which is lived on and maintained by my uncle - was planted by my great-grandmother.

My grandmother carried these roses in her wedding bouquet, and my Dad's ashes are under the original rosebush on the farm. This rose produces the sweetest smell on earth.

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