Monday, April 12, 2010

Spring has sprung!

I'm tired after a weekend in D.C. with Mom and Christa, but really need to get going with spring photos. So here are a few!

Plumeria, first thing that was blooming this year. This was a "tag along" in a pot of phlox I bought a couple of years ago.


We are 99.9% sure that in that glass block, with the pink flourescent plastic flowers, is St. Joseph.


Love the vibrant blue!


Our pear trees are blooming, yay!


Some new primrose I added this year, with very big flowers. (Along with Mrs. Pampelone's primrose, a columbine and two bleeding hearts I planted last year)


I spent four years trying to rip this out of the bed. Last year I didn't get out there early enough, and it bloomed, it is a Flowering Quince! So, I let it grow...


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