Monday, May 31, 2010

Busy day in the garden!

Good morning!


One big project I tackled today - the weeds and mint that have taken over the azalea bed on the East side of the house.



After - there is canna planted in there, and the delphiniums our godson brought us on Saturday:

(The transplanted volunteer sunflowers don't look so good now, but they'll bounce back.)

This coral bell planted itself in a crack of our sidewalk last year, earlier this spring I moved it back into one of our beds, and it is doing great! (Sweet William and Geum in the background)


I put some annuals in pots for out front:



We bought these at a new-to-us garden center, Sabellico, yesterday. That place is *huge!* We will need to go back, they had so many irises! Here is the millet and Toothache Plant:


and the Toothache Plant up close (the tag says you can chew the leaves to numb your gums, yikes.):


Dirty feet are a good sign of a long, exhausting and fulfilling day of gardening. :-)


1 comment:

Connie said...

Wow-you were busy. Love the red nail polish among the garden dirt!
Isn't this a great spring so far?