Saturday, June 4, 2011

So many beautiful and delicious things

We had our first pick up from our CSA last night (Common Ground Farm) - yay! And in with the delicious veggies were two beautiful "florals."

Technically, this was labeled as an Edible Pea Bouquet - ALL of it is edible, but I think it's too pretty to eat:


This is not edible, but beautiful to look at. Rye Grass:


And in our garden, Great Grandma Eaton's roses are blooming! The sweetest roses on earth. My grandfather used to make rose petal wine with these, and my grandmother carried them in her wedding bouquet.


Close up, pretend you can smell them. Mmmmmmmmmmmm.


The Peppermint roses are doing well this year, too - lots of double blooms!


We are going to need some chicken wire soon to protect these babies from the birds!

IMG_0633's a Christmas song, but oh so appropriate, "It's the most wonderful time of the yeeeeear!" Strawberry season!


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