Sunday, October 17, 2010

Last harvest!

Our last harvest includes peppers, tomatoes, string beans, and potatoes...


Happy Autumn!


Sunday, September 26, 2010

Chill in the air...

Yesterday it was 85 degrees, but now I can feel a chill in the air.

Here's what I picked in the garden this morning. Before:


After (in my new bowl!):


Sedum is blooming. Can you see the two little creatures in this shot? (Click through to Flickr if you want to see where/what they are)


I hope this little sedum survives this winter, I do love it so.


Late summer rose is stunning.


Hydrangea with fall colors.


And September strawberries!


Saturday, September 11, 2010

Color, but not flowers

Beautiful day out today, did some "harvesting" in our garden:


Steve dug the onions a couple of weeks ago:


Happy weekend!

Saturday, August 21, 2010

I wonder...

if around town we are known as the crazy house with all the sunflowers?


Well hello there, oxalis! I didn't plant you there!


So, Forget-Me-Not is usually a spring plant, right? Well, not when you get the seeds in the ground really late. :-)


The canna is blooming! The canna is blooming! I'm hoping for a few more...


I love how the alyssum flowers are different colors. I never noticed that before.


I guess our "everbearing" strawberries really are!


Sunday, August 8, 2010

I can't think of a witty title...

Look at the squirrel on the tree, looking right at me! I think that might be Peanut... Steve's friend that he HAND FEEDS! Oh, and the picture is of the "false sunflowers" (at least, I think that's what my Grandma used to call them, I need to double check with my Mom) that came from Mom's yard.


The Resurrection Lily is phenomenol this year - it has four shoots!



We are getting a second round of blooms on two of our rosebushes. I wish my Great Grandma's Roses would bloom more than once a season.


After what seemed like forever, our ivy geraniums on the fence are looking very happy!



Sunday, August 1, 2010

It's August?!

It seems to be a good year for peppers! This is a combination of our peppers and peppers from Common Ground Farm. I sauteed them and they are in the freezer now. We'll break them out later in the year to have with some onions and sausage.


I bought this coreopsis at the Master Gardener Plant Sale back in May, along with a catmint. The catmint didn't do so well, but the coreopsis seems happy!


This Mexican Petunia came from the same Plant Sale, and is finally blooming!


Steve's prayer plant has the most delicate flowers, so lovely!


Thursday, July 29, 2010

It's quiet in the garden

Not much new going on. Sunflowers continue to go a little crazy in the front of the house, which is fun. I wonder if our neighbors think we're crazy.

Who knew chamomile was so pretty?


Tonight's harvest!


Sunday, July 18, 2010

Sunday morning, brings the dawn in...

Ah, Lou Reed. But he doesn't really have much to do with our garden. Anyway...

Saturday morning harvest! We pick about 3 or 4 cucumbers every day, so yesterday I made 8 pints of refrigerator pickles. Today I might need to make dilly beans!


Silver Dollar Plant is ready, and this pink flower (another one that I can never remember its name) is doing well, looks nice with the hygrangea.


I brought these Brown Eyed Susans from Cold Spring when we moved. I seriously cannot believe those pansies are hanging in there, it's been so hot!


My beloved white Phlox, being totally crowded out by the wild, invasive purple phlox I bought at a Stony Kill plant sale a couple of years ago. Hmpf.


Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Magic beans!






Monday, July 5, 2010

It's hot, and dry. Very dry.

Wow, it's hot and dry. The grass is crunchy. Not good.

Here are some updates:

I told you there were canna in there! I'm crossing my fingers they will bloom.


Our house is being taken over by sunflowers, all volunteers!


The hydrangea from Oma is just beautiful. I'm hoping for even more blooms next year.


These lilies smell so sweet, we can smell them from inside the house sometimes.


This lovely daylily was a new addition last year (with the daisies seen in the background).


Smoke Bush looks good! To the right is Bee Balm from Mom's yard.


First bean harvest of the season!


We picked this up in Iowa, and Steve assembled it yesterday - too cute!


Wednesday, June 30, 2010

What we saw on our summer vacation

While we were in Lincoln, NE last week visiting my sister, we went to the Sunken Gardens and the Hamann Rose Garden. Here are a few of the things we saw.

Red Velvet Yarrow - I would love, love, love to get some of this.

Hamman Rose Garden

Variegated iris:

Hamman Rose Garden

Bee Balm:

Hamman Rose Garden

Lady's Mantle (I planted this a couple of years ago in our gardens, and it didn't come back):

Hamman Rose Garden

Some seriously happy Coral Bells, and a bumblebee doing it's thing on them:

Hamman Rose Garden

Hamman Rose Garden

Blooming Hens and Chicks!

Hamman Rose Garden

Turtle baby statue:

Hamman Rose Garden

I love old fashioned, white hydrangea:

Sunken Gardens

And, hail - eek!

The hail that was hitting our rental car